start tiffin service business Easiest way/

start tiffin service business Easiest way/ You can start the business of tiffin service from your home, for this neither you have to take any shop nor you have to go out of the house.

You can start this business while living in your home and earn more than Rs. If you are thinking of starting tiffin service business then this is a very good and easy way for you.

How to start tiffin business? And how much money will be required to start this business? You are going to get all this information in this post-

how to open tiffin center?

To open a tiffin service center, you will have to do some preparation in advance. What preparations do you have to do for this, how can you take the tiffin business forward. For this, first you have to do the following preparation –

Choosing the Right Location for Tiffin Center – Tiffin Service Business

Before starting any business, you should know its exact location, if you are opening a tiffin center and where will you deliver the tiffin that you have already prepared, then you can make this business successful.

Because who will buy tiffin from you, who needs your tiffin, who is not able to cook or who does not have time to cook, where do such people live, you have to find that place in your area

And this place can be near a college or it can be near a factory or it can be a place in the city where people from outside live on rent and where there are many hotels.

To start tiffin business –

To start this business, you should have 20 to 25 empty Tiffins at least in the beginning and you have to go to your market and buy this type of tiffin which looks a bit nice and which is easy to clean.

Because if your tiffin is not clean and beautiful, then the customer will not like to eat food in them, so the one who takes your tiffin once will not order you again, so you have to keep in mind that whatever tiffin you have bought has to be cleaned. be easy in

Row material for cooking?

When you will start tiffin service then you will need row material for cooking which you have to buy in advance such as oil, spices, flour, lentils, these things you have to buy in advance and you can buy green vegetables daily from the market. Huh

But apart from this, utensils will also be required for cooking, according to your requirement, you should also bring utensils for cooking from the market in advance so that you do not have to go through this type of trouble later.

Tiffin services center promotional banners and pamphlets – Tiffin service business

Before starting tiffin service, you have to reach this information to those people who can become customers for your tiffin, such as students, unmarried people who come to work from outside, people who are living somewhere on rent or are living in hostels. And they go out to eat food, targeting such people, you should send your printed pamphlets and banners to those people.

So that he can keep information about this thing that if someone is providing service like tiffin in his area, if he gets this information then he will definitely contact you and if not more then he will definitely ask you for tiffin and check how is your food. Later if they like your cooked food then they can start tiffin service with you regularly.

Hiring a Delivery Boy for Tiffin Delivery – Tiffin services business

When you start tiffin sarvice business then you have to arrange a delivery boy for tiffin delivery in advance, it is up to you that you will do tiffin delivery yourself in the beginning

Or else you arrange a boy for this, but in the beginning you are not likely to get much order, so you do tiffin delivery yourself for some time and when you start getting many orders of tiffin, then only you can get a delivery boy. make arrangements

In how many ways can you start Tiffin services-

You can start tiffin service in two ways. Both of these methods are very simple and easy. By home delivery / by giving invitation at home –

Home Delivery Tiffin Services –

Tiffin service is mainly known for home delivery, in this, you have to deliver tiffin to the orderer’s house at the hotel or wherever he speaks to you. By ordering on the phone, you should immediately note it in the order register and deliver it to the given place at the given time, only you have to do this work.

Feeding Customers at Your Home – Tiffin Service Business

This is also a form of tiffin service in which if your customer lives somewhere near to your tiffin center and if he wants fresh food and he is ready to come and eat food at your own home then you can bring him at your home. You can also provide food, but for this you will have to arrange for a table and chair, which you will have to prepare in advance.

Tiffin services menu card-

If you are starting tiffin service business then you should also get a separate tiffin menu card made

He can order from the menu card created by you. He who wants to eat special food. If he will get it from your place. So he will neither go to any other place to eat food nor will he order anywhere else. With this your customer will always be with you.

Tiffin service center will start in how much rupees-

It depends on you how much the tiffin service center will start. In the beginning, if you do not have many customers, you can start with just 10 tiffins, after that the way your customers increase.

If you keep ordering tiffin in the same way, then one of your investment will be reduced. You can start a tiffin service center by investing ₹ 6000 from it and later as your customers grow, you can gradually invest money in it and grow your business.

What is the risk in Tiffin Service Center – Tiffin Service Business

When you start any business, then you definitely think that whether this business will run or not, there is no risk in this business, but there is no such business in which there is not a lot of risk, but you can reduce that risk. or can do more like-

Know your opponent

Whenever you start tiffin service, before you take complete information about the tiffin service center running in your area, and when you start your tiffin service center, then keep the price of your tiffin according to the same service center and the same type of food in it. Prepare who is preparing your food quickly.

Take care of the taste of tiffin-

Apart from this, you also have to take care of the taste of your food, the customer will ask you for tiffin only as long as the taste of your tiffin is good, on the day he feels that your tiffin food is not worth it, then he will give you your tiffin from that day. Tiffin can be clogged, so always take care of the quality and taste of your food.

When raw material is expensive-

Sometimes some products in the market become expensive. We have to bring them regularly when they are cheap then we do not understand them but when they become expensive then we feel them. Because of this we spoil our quality and when the quality gets bad. So the customer leaves us, so even if the vegetable lentils and flour are expensive in the market, there is a little risk in the tiffin service center.