potato wholesale business Earn ₹ 2 lakh per month start like this/

potato wholesale business Earn ₹ 2 lakh per month start like this/

potato wholesale business Earn ₹ 2 lakh per month start like this/ You can earn a very good profit by starting a potato business going somewhere, the king of vegetables.

HOW TO START POTATO WHOLESAL BUSINESS WHERE TO BUY WHERE TO SELL Potatoes, which is the simplest way so that you can earn more profit in potato business, you are going to get all such information in this post today.

How to start potato wholesale business?

To start ALLU KA WHOLESALE business, you have to do some market knowledge and after some preparation you can start this business, you should do this preparation in this way-

1. Potato Wholesale Market-

Before starting potato business, you should find the wholesale market of potatoes, the bigger this market is, the bigger the profit you will get in potato business, so whenever you start potato wholesale business, you should try to find the largest wholesale market of potatoes. buy goods from

The easiest way to get more profit in the potato business is to buy the goods in large quantities from the wholesale market and bring them to your market, you get such a huge benefit.

If you want to know which is the big market of potato in India, then we will tell you 10 such states in sequence where potato production is highest.

10 states that produce the most potatoes in India?

1. Uttar Pradesh Potato Producing State-

2. West Bengal Potato Producing State-

3. Bihar Potato Producing State-

4. Gujarat Potato Producing State-

5. Madhya Pradesh Potato Producing State-

6. Punjab Potato Producing State-

7. Assam Potato Producing State-

8. Karnataka Potato Producing State-

9. Haryana Potato Producing State-

10. Jharkhand Potato Producing State-

These 10 states produce the most potatoes in India, in the order that you see them in the order, they produce potatoes in the same order as you will see at the top, Uttar Pradesh which ranks first in potato production and At the bottom you will see Jharkhand which ranks tenth in potato production.

Buying potatoes and keeping them in cold stores – 

If you want to do potato business in a very good way, then you should invest during the time of potato digging. When the potato is harvested, the farmer sells the potato at a very low price.

Many traders buy potatoes at this time and keep them in the cold store, after some time when they realize that the price of potatoes is increasing, they immediately take out their potatoes from the cold store and leave them for sale in the market. are |

In this way, traders doing potato business make their money up to two to three times in no time. If you want to buy potatoes then you should wait for the price of potatoes to come down and if you want to sell then you should wait for the price of potatoes to increase.

Transport system –

When you find the wholesale market of potatoes, after that you will have to find transport for how to bring potatoes to your state and your district.

But you will not need to worry much for this because when you go to the market or cold store for potatoes from any state, from where you will get potatoes at a low price, you will get the transport system very easily from there.

Because where there is a wholesale market or cold storage, transportation is definitely arranged so that if goods are to be ordered and sent from anywhere, then this work can be done easily.

Where to buy potatoes in wholesale –

When you start Potato business, then where will you buy potatoes becomes the biggest question but you do not need to worry about it because the easiest and simplest way for this is that you never go to any wholesale market of potatoes. |

Cold storages are made in the state where potato is produced more, to keep that potato in that state, the farmer keeps his own goods on these cold storages.

Some traders also buy potatoes from farmers and store them in these cold storages, but you do not have to buy potatoes from these traders, nor do you have to buy potatoes from potato market, where potatoes can cost you dearly.

You will contact on these cold storages and know which farmers’ goods are stored in the cold storage, you can buy potatoes in wholesale rate by contacting those farmers or by contacting them directly in the cold storage.

The cold storage owner or manager can provide you potatoes at a low price, as well as how to send the potatoes to your state, the cold storage owner or manager also arranges for transport or direct contact with the truck owner to bring you potatoes.

How To Sell Potato In Wholesale – 

When you buy potatoes from the wholesale market, then you have to contact your potato market or vegetable market, there you find many traders or you yourself can keep your whole cart of potatoes in the vegetable market in small and small quantities. Can sell to vegetable merchant.

Everywhere the vegetable market starts in the morning, which lasts till 11:00 am, if you are starting this business, then you will have to deliver potatoes to the market early in the morning.

The sooner your potato reaches the market, the sooner your potato will be sold because traders come to the vegetable market only at 4:00 in the morning, who take them to their own shop by 6:00 pm and sell vegetables. Let’s start

That’s why you have to try that the sooner you deliver potatoes to the market, the sooner your potatoes will be sold and if your potatoes reach before any other trader’s potatoes, then you get the price of that potato too.

Investment in Potato Business – 

To start a potato business, you have to start with at least one truck of potatoes in the beginning and it can range from 500 sacks to 1000 sacks, it depends on the size of the truck from which you are ordering the goods. What is the size of that truck?

It also depends on the second price that when you are buying potato from the market what is the price of potato going on at that time the price of potato is never constant it is always more and less so no one can know about its fixed price. Cannot give information

But you can take an idea that the minimum price of potatoes is ₹ 500 per packet and you are buying 500 sacks of potatoes, then you will need ₹ 250000 plus transport charge extra.

In this way you can start potato business in between Rs 300000 to 500000, you have to buy and sell potatoes and do not have to store, so you do not need to invest more than this in the beginning.

Potato Business How Much Profit In Potato Business – 

Potato business can make you money very quickly because this business gives so much money that you cannot even imagine.

If you are buying a packet of potatoes for ₹ 500 while digging potatoes, then after 4 to 5 months the same potato packet sells for ₹ 1500 to ₹ 2000, at least ₹ 1000, then it is sold very easily. |

You can guess from this that even if your money doubles in 4 to 5 months, then if you are starting this business by investing ₹ 500000, then in no time this money can be doubled i.e. up to 1000000 rupees.

How much risk is there in potato business?

Potato business is as much a profitable business as it is risky if you are doing potato business, then before starting this business, you must meet the traders who are doing potato business because this business has to be done. Some precautions are very important while doing this.

For example, if you are buying Allu at the time when potatoes are being harvested, then you can only guess the market, you cannot know what will be the price of potatoes after 2 months from today.

Sometimes potatoes have to be sold at a price much less than the purchase rate, this happens when the production of Allu is very high.

ALLU KA BUSINESS The sooner you make money, the sooner it can make you a beggar, so whenever you start a potato business, in the beginning, the risk lotus should order the goods immediately and sell immediately even if you have less profit but whatever profit It will be in your hand immediately